Assoc. Prof. Dr. Syed Saad Azhar Ali | Artificial Intelligence | Excellence in Scientific Innovation AwardAssoc. Prof. Dr. Syed Saad Azhar Ali, Associate Professor, Saudi Arabia. Dr. Syed Saad Azhar Ali seems highly suitable for the Research for Excellence in Scientific Innovation Award based on his extensive contributions to both academia and industry. Here are several key reasons why he qualifies: Profile🎓 EducationPhD in Electrical Engineering (2007) – King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (Specialization in Multivariable Nonlinear Adaptive Control) MS in Electrical Engineering (2001) – King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (Specialization in Controls and System Identification) BE in Electrical Engineering (1999) – NED University of Engineering, Pakistan 👨🏫 Academic and Research LeadershipCurrently a Co-Chair for SMILE’s Sustainable Cognitive Cities initiative and Team Advisor for the KFUPM SUAS 2024 team Former Vice Chair and Treasurer for IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, Malaysia Chapter Coordinator for the MX Program in Unmanned Aircraft Systems at KFUPM Extensive work in areas of machine/computer vision, real-time systems, and smart health technologies 🏆 Awards and RecognitionTeam Advisor for the SUAS 2024 championship-winning team, KFUPM Multiple medals from ITEX, MTE, and SEDEX Recognized by IEEE RAS, Malaysia, with Service and Excellence Awards 💼 Professional AffiliationsSenior Member of IEEE Member of various IEEE societies, including Robotics & Automation and Oceanic Engineering Affiliated with the Pakistan Engineering Council and Board of Engineers Malaysia 🌍 International CollaborationsEstablished MoUs with institutions such as King Abdulaziz University, Iqra University, and Universitat de Girona, Spain 📚 PublicationsMachine Learning Aided Channel Equalization in Filter Bank Multi‐Carrier Communications for 5G A Comparative Study on Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithms for Fixed Order Controller Design Block-Oriented Identification of Nonlinear Systems: Neural Network Approach towards Identification of Hammerstein and Wiener Models U-model Based Control: Adaptive Control Approach for Multivariable Nonlinear Systems Intelligent Iris Recognition Using Neural Networks
Syed Saad Azhar Ali | Artificial Intelligence | Excellence in Scientific Innovation Award