Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
DrABDULTAOFEEKABAYOMIWalter Sisulu UniversitySouth AfricaBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrMohamedAbdalzaherNational Research Institute of Astronomy and GeophysicsEgyptBest Researcher Award
MrEmmanuelAdesuyiBirmingham City UniversityUnited KingdomBest Researcher Award
DrAbayomiAgbeyangiUniversity of Cape TownSouth AfricaBest Researcher Award
DrBusuyiAkeredoluLagos State University of EducationNigeriaBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrAsaadAl-HilphyUniversity of BasrahIraqBest Researcher Award
DrTmaderAlballaPrincess Nourah Bint A bdulrahman UniversitySaudi ArabiaBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrSyed Saad AzharAliKing Fahd University of Petroleum & MineralsSaudi ArabiaExcellence in Scientific Innovation Award
Assoc. Prof. DrFahadAlturiseQassim UniversitySaudi ArabiaBest Researcher Award
DrJavadAmini MahabadiAnatomical Research CenterIranBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrRoyaAmjadifardKharazmi UniversityIranBest Researcher Award
MrsErasmiaAngelakiHellenic Mediterranean UniversityGreeceBest Researcher Award
MrOscar AlejandroÁngeles-RamírezUniversidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de MéxicoMexicoBest Researcher Award
MsRaneemAnwarSmart and future cities lab, faculty of engineering Ain sham universityEgyptBest Researcher Award
DrAbebeAragawWoldia UniversityEthiopiaBest Researcher Award
DrTarekAwadUniversity Hospitals Plymouth NHS TrustUnited KingdomBest Researcher Award
DrHalehAyatollahiIran University of Medical SciencesIranBest Researcher Award
MsSupriaBasakWorcester Polytechnic InstituteUnited StatesAnalytics Excellence Award
Assoc. Prof. DrAyselBaserIzm,r Demokrasi UniversityTurkeyBest Researcher Award
DrAna MargaridaBentoInterdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR)PortugalBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
Award Winners