Dr | Yunxiang | Lu | College of Automation & College of Artificial Intelligence | China | Best Researcher Award |
Mr | Emmnaouil-Marinos | Mantalas | University of West Attica | Greece | Best Researcher Award |
Ms | Raneem | Anwar | Smart and future cities lab, faculty of engineering Ain sham university | Egypt | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Ali | Ra’ed Alshawawreh | University professor | Spain | Best Researcher Award |
Prof. Dr | Ali | Derakhshan | Golestan University | Iran | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Andreia | de Bem Machado | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | Brazil | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Abu Sarwar | Zamani | Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University | Saudi Arabia | Best Researcher Award |
Assoc. Prof. Dr | Ilgun | Ozen Cinar | Pamukkale University Faculty of Health Sciences | Turkey | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Diana | Morales | University of Toronto | Canada | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Abebe | Aragaw | Woldia University | Ethiopia | Best Researcher Award |
Assist. Prof. Dr | Tatyana | Mollayeva | University Health Network | Canada | Best Researcher Award |
Mr | Daojun | Liang | Shandong University | China | Best Researcher Award |
Assoc. Prof. Dr | Chuanwen | Luo | Beijing Forestry University | China | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | HAMZA | KAHRI | Tours University | France | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Şifa | ÖZSARI | Ankara University | Turkey | Best Researcher Award |
Prof. Dr | Jamal | Raiyn | Technical University of Applied Sciences, Aschaffenburg | Germany | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Javad | Amini Mahabadi | Anatomical Research Center | Iran | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Deepak | Parashar | GSFC University Vadodara Gujarat | India | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Tarek | Awad | University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust | United Kingdom | Best Researcher Award |
Mr | Mohammad | Paknia | LIAG-Institute for Applied Geophysics | Germany | Best Researcher Award |